Flashback: Buddy Holly Died 51 Years Ago Today

Today marks the 51th anniversary of the plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, that claimed the lives of Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens.

Yes, it’s the Day the Music Died, as Don McLean sings:

Nippertown music fans can celebrate the lives and music of Holly, Valens and the Big Bopper at The Linda in Albany at 8pm on Saturday, February 20.

In the mid-’80s, some of the best area musicians put on a The Day the Music Died show at Pauly’s Hotel in Albany. In 1999 on the 40th anniversary of the crash, another performance played to a packed Ale House in Troy. Now again in 2010, Johnny Rabb, John Tichy, Graham Tichy, Jim Haggerty and Pete Vumbaco will present a reprise of the show at The Linda – right across the street from the now-defunct Pauly’s Hotel.

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