Media Watch: NYS Associated Press Winners Announced

The New York State Associated Press Association has announced the winners in its annual state-wide newspaper writing competition, and a number of local writers made the grade:

In the under 25,000 circulation division, Bill Ackerbauer of The Leader-Herald in Gloversville took top honors in the Arts/Entertainment Writing category for his story “Fiddling in the Old Country,” about one of our fave area musicians Dick Solberg (aka the Sun Mountain Fiddler).

In the 25,000-50,000 circulation division, The Post Star in Glens Falls took second and third place in the Arts/Entertainment category for Meg Hagerty’s “Potholders are selling like hotcakes” (about fiber artist Maria Wulf) and Doug Gruse’s “Artists’ work explores environment and politics” (about the Tang Museum’s exhibit, “Environment and Object – Recent African Art”), respectively.

And in the 50,000-125,000 circulation division, The Times Union’s Steve Barnes earned a third place Arts/Entertainment nod for “Lambert’s voice soars,” his review of Adam Lambert’s concert at the Palace Theatre last summer.

Congrats go out to all the winners…

A tip o’ the hat to Tim and Lisa Byrne

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