LIVE: Bear Grass @ Tierra Coffee Roasters, 2/21/14

Bear Grass
Bear Grass

Photographs by Timothy Reidy

With movies back up on the screen at Albany’s Madison Theater once again, Tierra Coffee Roasters next door is the perfect place to grab a cup of joe or a cold brew and a quick bite pre- or post-flick, especially if you happen upon an evening with some fine musical entertainment like Katie Hammon’s Bear Grass, along with Immaculate Heart, Thomas LaFond and Feed the Habit, too.

Bear Grass
Bear Grass
Thomas LaFond and Immaculate Heart
Immaculate Heart
Thomas LaFond and Immaculate Heart
Immaculate Heart
Thomas LaFond
Thomas LaFond
Feed The Habit
Feed The Habit
Feed The Habit
Feed The Habit

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