Flashback: Analog Fog II @ the Hollow on Sunday

Are you ready for a serious rock & roll trip down Memory Lane?

Well then, let’s jump in the Way-Back Machine, Sherman, and head over to the the Hollow Bar + Kitchen in Albany on Sunday (November 27). The event is the second annual Analog Fog, and if you were a Local 518 music fan back in the ’60s, you might experience a mind-bending flashback, as members of such fave ’60s rockers as the Bougalieu, Cathedral, Whitney Sunday, the Sundowners, the Sabres and more all take the stage.

Headlining Analog Fog II on Sunday will be the Chord-A-Roys, featuring Bernie Mulleda, Vinny Franconeri, Bob Sbuttoni, Jim Hyde, Dick Cronin and Steve Colfer.

Also slated to join in the flashback festivities are the Sabres, the Goats, Lisa Robilotto (one of the stand-outs of last year’s bash), the Hudson Avenue Blues Band, the Section and a drum battle with George Leary and Larry Scarano.

Doors open at 2pm, and music is slated to get underway at 3pm. Admission is $10 at the door.

LIVE: The Analog Fog, 1967 @ the Hollow, 11/29/15
Here Comes the Analog Fog 1967

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