Friday Flashback Flyer: Tiger’s Pub, March, 1990

Ah, yes, remember ye olde pre-digital days? Those way-back-when days when bands and clubs actually printed up their schedules on paper to staple to telephone poles around town and actually mail out to fans via the U.S. Postal Service?

Well, we’ve dug deep into the vast Nippertown Research Department Deep Storage Facility to retrieve some vintage Local 518 music scene ephemera before it completely disintegrates. (The ephemera, not the scene…)

Here’s the first in our new weekly series of Friday Flashback Fliers – the March, 1990 calendar of shows for the Clifton Park nightspot Tiger’s Pub, which later became Park West, which later became Northern Lights, which is currently the Upstate Concert Hall

1 Comment
  1. Fred says

    Lazy Lester!!! One of the best in the blues!!!

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