Friday Flashback Flyer: “Live at QE2” Recording Sessions, 1990

Ah, yes, remember ye olde pre-digital days? Those way-back-when days when bands and clubs actually printed up their schedules on paper to staple to telephone poles around town and actually mail out to fans via the U.S. Postal Service?

Well, we’ve dug deep into the vast Nippertown Research Department Deep Storage Facility to retrieve some vintage Local 518 music scene ephemera before it completely disintegrates. (The ephemera, not the scene…)

Here’s a 1990 vintage flier from QE2:

One great CD: Live at QE2

Four great nights of recording: April 11, 12, 18 & 19, 1990

16 great bands: Made in Austria, Even the Odd, From Good Homes, Lick the President, Pathos Plan, The Rouse Bros., the Figgs, French Letter, Private Plain, Dirty Face, Big Barn Burning, Chris Busone & the Will to Live, the T-Bones, Home, Atomic Cafe, Clay People

One great song title: Lick the President’s disc-closing “Can you pick out which of the bands on this recording seem to have wedged their tongues deep in the crevices of the collective major label butthole in the hopes that there is a remaining untapped spandex-poodle market that will gladly fork over their Burger King wages for some units of slickly packaged product?”

1 Comment
  1. docfrenzy says

    Not sure why From Good Homes were listed as hailing from NYC… Dan was from Ballston Spa and the rest were from NJ. I guess NYC had more “cachet” than Joisey?

    That lineup is only missing the skunkinuttiness of PerFect ThYroID from Poughkeepsie…

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