Shakespeare & Co. Takes “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Outdoors [Berkshire on Stage]

“The course of true love never did run smooth.” – Act 1, Scene 1

Shakespeare & Company presents William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Jonathan Croy and Douglas Seldin, and performed outside at The Dell at The Mount in Lenox. This magical favorite, presented by Shakespeare & Company’s Northeast Regional Education Tour and Riotous Youth Faculty, runs from today (July 11) through Saturday, August 19.

“I honestly believe that this is the most perfectly constructed comedy ever written,” said Croy. “Shakespeare gives us several perfectly balanced stories filled with characters that are filled with passion, both whimsical in their extremity and absolutely recognizable. The language is delicious, and the range of comedic style is astonishing. From Oberon’s high wit to Bottom’s well-intentioned malapropisms; the mistaken identities in the effects of the love potion and in Bottom’s transformation; the way that the charming pathos and silliness of the Mechanicals opens into the broad genius of Pyramus and & Thisbe, Midsummer is an absolute buffet of comedy and promises to be an unforgettable adventure for the whole family.”

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