Win FREE TICKETS to Ras Moshe’s Concert at the Sanctuary for Independent Media on Saturday

Jazz saxman Ras Moshe leads the Music Now! Unit in a multimedia performance of “Peace Be With You: Letters from Rap” at the Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy at 7pm on Saturday (December 8). The concert is based on letters written by his father during deployment in Vietnam from 1968-1970.

In addition to Ras Moshe, the Music Now! Unit features Larry Roland (bass, narration), Charley Sabatino (bass), Matt Lavelle (trumpet, bass clarinet), Leonid Galaganov (drums) and Dave Ross (guitar).

Tickets for the concert are on sale now, priced at $20.

BUT WAIT… We’re giving away a pair of FREE TICKETS to the concert to a lucky Nippertown reader. To enter the contest, just post a comment below. Please leave your email address, too. We won’t publish it, but we’ll use it to contact you if you win. The deadline to enter is 12:30pm on Friday (December 7), and the winner will be selected at random and notified on Friday afternoon. Enter today! And good luck! Congratulations to the winner, who has been notified via email…

  1. MV Haynes says

    I see the drummer is wearing his Christmas sweater, I love that didjereedoo sound and the bass player is great!

  2. MIke says

    I would love to see thus Saxman.

  3. hugh says

    I would love to see this show

  4. steve says

    would love to see this venue at last…

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