LIVE: Dan Berggren @ Sunsets by the Lake, Inlet, 8/15/2020

Dan Berggren does an exquisite mix of his contemporary self-penned compositions and those from the archives of the Adirondack Museum at any live show.

He is really a ‘professor’, with a PhD on the subject, in case you have any questions on the matter. Berggren is the real thing when it comes to folklorists of any kind, speaking about music. He’s got that got-you-at-the-first-note tenor voice, and the guitar chops to prove the songs from what ever decade or century he chooses his material.

In other words, John Denver may have sang songs about the ‘Rockies,’ but, Dan Berggren sings about the older and more majestic mountains, the “Adirondacks” and its people, communities, logging camps and so much more.

Photo Gallery by Andrzej Pilarczyk

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