LIVE: Johnny Rabb and the Jailhouse Rockers Christmas show At The Hangar on the Hudson

Twas a week before Christmas, when all through The Hangar on the Hudson
all the creatures were stirring, especially the festive crowd;
Rocking holiday classics were sung and played with great care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
When up on the stage there arose such a clatter,
dancers sprang to the floor to see what was the matter.  

When what to their wondering eyes should appear,
but a man with a guitar, and four other musicians,
With a slim jolly rocker, so lively and quick,
they knew in a moment it must be Johnny Rabb! 
More rockabilly than ever, his band members they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

“Now, Graham Tichy on guitar and vocals!
Now, Mike Kelly on keyboards and vocals!
Now, Steve Aldi on bass and Joe Daley on drums!
On, Elvis! On Buddy Holly! On, Beatles and Everly Brothers!
To the top of the Hangar! to the edge of the stage!
Now dance away! dance away! dance away all!” 

So up to the Hangar-top the rockers they flew,
With a swinging holiday party and Johnny Rabb, too.

Photo Gallery by Leif Zurmuhlen

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