The Local 518 Music (and More) Report 2021 Q2

Editor’s Note: For those of us in the local music industry four times a year we get a special treat. Local 518 WEXT radio host Andy Gregory posts the most comprehensive list of songs, albums, and videos released by local artists anywhere. Nippertown is thrilled to share that list with you here: The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Q2

Some observations about the 2021Q2 report:  As COVID restrictions continued, it severely cut down on the number of singles, EP’s, and albums this quarter, as well as videos. Some well-established bands and artists which previously produced material have faded out, while others stepped up their game, or at least stayed active in some way, especially for the ones that create music for a living. Overall quality seems to have increased though. 

The report covers the time period of April 1st to June 30th, 2021. Enjoy, and be sure to share!

Hello fans, supporters, and creators of music (and more) in the Capital District (and a bit beyond)! Throughout the months dealing with COVID-19 in 2021, our awesome local music creatives kept being just that – awesome AND creative! Courtesy of Local 518 Show host Andy Gregory and WEXT Radio, get your very own virus-free PDF copy of The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Quarter 2 © covering the time period of April 1st to June 30th, 2021. The report includes clickable links so you can support every band & artist by listening and buying their music and merch. Enjoy, and be sure to share!

Click the link below for the full 2021 Quarter 2 report.

Previous Reports

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Q1

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q4

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q3

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q2

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q1

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q4

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q3

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q2

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q1

A little history behind these reports

Back in 2010, I was a contributor to the (Capital Region Ultimate Musicians and Bands Site) local music blog, hosted by Mike Guzzo on the Albany Times Union website. My posts covered a wide variety of what was happening of interest in the local music scene, everything from show announcements & reviews and latest local music releases. Mike Guzzo, (owner of since 2006) encouraged me to post those first local music reports on the blog. What began as just a list of recent releases in September of 2010 (“The Summer Songs Have Ended”) expanded to a year-end round-up for 2011, then expanded much bigger to a quarterly format for 2012. It was all a bit clunky, as the reports were multi-part posts, but it got the information out.

In 2014, after doing a couple of years of co-hosting CRUMBS Cafe with Guzzo, I became the host of the Local 518 Show on WEXT. In 2017, I was still posting on the CRUMBS blog, but I suggested partnering with WEXT Radio and The Local 518 Show so that the quarterly reports, available as a free PDF, reached a wider audience interested in the Capital Region music scene.

For the 2020 and 2021 Capital Region Thomas Edison Music Awards (“The Eddies”), the reports were used as one of the overall reference materials for category nominations, and specifically for Record, Album, & Music Video of the Year categories.

It’s been an eye-opening experience putting these quarterly reports together for the fans, supporters, and most importantly the creators of original music in the area (and just a bit beyond). There’s an amazing amount of original material produced!

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