Neil deGrasse Tyson to Offer Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization at Proctors, Oct. 26

SCHENECTADY – On Oct. 26, world-renowned and esteemed astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, will lead an illustrated talk on the MainStage of Proctors. The event will feature a fascinating discussion, centered largely around the many modern-day conflicts facing the world across a myriad of civilizations. There will also be a post-show Q&A for VIP attendees.

So much of what divides us in the world today, evaporates when viewed through the lens of science literacy, and especially when viewed from perspectives derived from knowing the universe. This event explores the conflicts embedded within war, politics, religion, law, gender, and race, leaving you with a refreshed outlook on life, culture, and the future of civilization.

Tyson is an American astrophysicist, author, and arguably the most influential science communicator in the country. In 2014, he revived Cosmos, the beloved 1980 science documentary series originally hosted by Carl Sagan. He has nearly 15 million Twitter followers; he’s a constant presence on TV; and he’s the longtime director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History. Not one to shy away from important and sometimes controversial topics, he also effortlessly bridges the scientific community with popular culture.


The discussion will begin at 7:30 pm. All attendees must wear masks. Tickets range from $25.50 to $90.50, while VIP tickets are $250.50.

VIP attendees will be in a group Q&A. Patrons will already be seated in front, so you can stay in your seats and Dr. Tyson will come back out on stage after the theater has cleared, sit on a stool and field 30 minutes of questions. VIP attendees also receive a signed copy of Dr. Tyson’s book (Starry Messenger…which was just released in September) upon leaving the theatre. There will be no personal contact or mingling. Everyone must continue to wear masks. To purchase your tickets, please click here.

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