The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2022 Q2

Editor’s Note: For those of us in the local music industry, four times a year we get a special treat. WEXT Radio’s award winning Local 518 Show host Andy Gregory posts the most comprehensive list of songs, albums, and videos released by local artists anywhere. Nippertown is thrilled to share that list with you here: 

Fans, supporters, and creators of music (and more) in the Capital District (and beyond)!
Throughout the months of 2022, our awesome local music creatives were still dealing with the effects of COVID-19 to some degree. During that time, they kept on being – awesome AND creative! I also experienced some challenges during 2022 in producing the quarterly reports of songs, albums, videos (and more) by those local artists.

To close out 2022 and going into 2023 they’ll be made available. Today, courtesy of The Local 518 Show and WEXT Radio, get your very own FREE PDF copy of The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2022 Quarter 2 © covering the time period of April 1st to June 30th. The report includes clickable links so you can support every band & artist by listening and buying their music and merch, and enjoy other features. Be sure to share!

Click this link for The Local 518 Music (and More) Report –

Previous Reports:

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2022 Q1

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Q4
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Q3
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Q2
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2021 Q1

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q4
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q3
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q2
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2020 Q1

The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q4
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q3
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q2
The Local 518 Music (and More) Report – 2019 Q1

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