2023 March Music Madness – Round 1 Voting (Closed)

Thank you, voting has been closed for Round 1.

Thank you for voting in the First Round of the 2023 March Music Madness tournament. Your votes will help local musicians to move on to the next round and get closer to some incredible prizes.

Please visit the bands’ and sponsors’ websites, social media, etc., and support them.

Note: The form is large; please let it load completely before you begin voting. If you still have an issue, you can vote directly from the Google form at https://forms.gle/SU75vFvbJUbbUtp96.

If you are experiencing issues voting, email jim@nippertown.com. We are sorry for any problems you may have; we will do our best to ensure your vote is counted.

1 Comment
  1. Robert says

    I voted for DEVERIA. However, it looks like it’s not going through. Cab you please make sure it does? THANK YOU! ALL THE BEST IN 2023!

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