Interview: Camtron5000 discusses his Origin Story and more

Over a year ago, Jim took me out to hear Stellar Young, a local band that he quite accurately predicted I would love. What he didn’t expect, however, was for me to become so enamored with a rap artist I met there: Camtron5000. His voice, lyrics, and charming smile all caught my attention and had me googling him while we were still at the venue.

Camtron5000, or Cameron as I like to call him (isn’t that what his mom named him?), is quite the star in our local rap community. He’s been featured in many local shows, including most recently in More Music Less Violence, even further capturing my heart with messages of hope and positivity for our community. When I talk to teenagers who like rap (and I do that a lot, given my profession), many mention Camtron5000 as a source of inspiration to them.

I recently was given the privilege of asking some questions and gaining insight into his personality, music, and also his career. The first question, though, was my “mom” question. I wanted to know why he changed his name and when that happened.

“I’ve always been Camtron. Camtron just hasn’t always been a rapper,” he smiled. “I’ve always been energetic and loved creative projects, and I love the spotlight when I can get it. Before music, it was acting, either in short student films or on stage in my college plays.”

And what about that name, Camtron5000? 

“The actual nickname Camtron5000, if I remember correctly, came from back in the day when my friend Jen-X and I used to write rhymes for fun. I’m pretty sure she came up with it –possibly because it sounds futuristic, or maybe some connection to Andre 3000. However it started, it’s been a fun alias that has grown to be a part of me. “

When I call Camtron by his given name, my husband grimaces, so I’m thinking that fans agree that the stage name is preferred.

Camtron grew up here in the capital region, right in Albany. “Born and raised in the 518,” he proudly shared.  He describes a childhood that is similar to many who grew up here. “The favorite parts of my childhood have to be playing Dance Dance Revolution with my friends at the mall, swimming at Lincoln Park Pool, Secrets at Guptill’s Arena, and playing soccer with my older brother,” he recalled fondly.

Sounding like every other teen in the 518, it would a mistake to think Camtron is anything but ordinary. A prolific writer and performer, Camtron recently performed as part of the More Music Less Violence project in Albany.  This project focuses the spotlight on how music can inspire youth in our community to use art to express themselves and connect with others.

Camtron was no stranger to the community before the event, though. He had a previous relationship with DJ Hollyw8d, meeting up a few times prior to the event.  “I had requested that he keep me in mind for anything he was putting together. Then, at last year’s Full Out Fest in Troy, we were able to meet up and talk some more. When the opportunity for MMLV eventually came up, he asked me, and I was more than happy to say yes.”

Camtron understands how important networking is to the music industry, noting that his mentors early in his career helped him to recognize that talent alone isn’t enough. When asked about his mentors, he shared, “The first person who comes to mind is my friend and producer, Mirk. He was one of the first people that I met in my musical career, and I’m very happy that we’ve grown to become good friends. My former manager Wesley Ingraham taught me a lot of useful stuff about the music industry as well. Also, I couldn’t have done it without my amazing fiance Jess and my mom!”

I was delighted to hear that he remembers his mom, almost as much as I loved his advice to aspiring artists. Camtron recommends staying humble, being polite, and professional. “And don’t be shy!” he emphasized.

Viewing his art as self-expression as well as developing characters for stories, he describes his process for creating as much about telling stories and sharing inspiration. Cam can come off as “in your face,” he mused, as much as hopeful and optimistic.

The music is consistently an expression of self. “Sometimes I like to tell a story (like my songs “Origin Story” and “Flying Grayson”), sometimes I like to feel inspired (like my songs Feeling I Get or Next Level), and other times I just want to go HAM (Ignorance is Bliss and Batshit Crazy).” But all of it is expression.

“My music is my artistic expression. The person I aim to be in the world is someone who is kind, generous, productive, organized, intelligent, helpful, and loving,” he shared.

You might be surprised that such a big personality is so humble, but Cam really is someone who hangs out in Nippertown on the weekend with friends enjoying the scene and listening to others as much as performing. 

“I love when big hip-hop acts come to SPAC or MVP Arena. I also enjoy going to see my friends’ bands play (Stellar Young, Mirk, Bendt). Plus any local hip hop – always fun to see what someone else is bringing to the table.” And speaking of tables, Camtron is a regular at Chez Mike Restaurant and Albany Ale and Oyster.

And where will we find Camtron in 10 years? 

“In ten years, I will be much further along in my musical career. I will be traveling, thanks to music. I will own my own house. I’ll be married to Jess. The comic book I’m currently writing, The 5th Kind: The Saga of Camtron5000, will be flying off the shelves and probably have a TV series in the works,” he plans.

Nippertown fans, don’t worry. Cam thinks he will still be performing. “I’ll still be making music,” he promises. And, of course, “I’ll still have a strong connection to my hometown.”

Camtron5000 is a local rapper with a big heart for the 518. You can check out his music on Spotify and Apple Music and, of course, at many of our local venues where he’s inspiring Nipper pups to be polite, professional, and creative.

1 Comment
  1. Flex says

    I just checked his music out and I love it. Thank you for sharing I can’t wait to hear more about this artist

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