5 Questions with Rory Alexa

Schenectady Light Opera Company closes its season with “It Shoulda Been You.” A musical comedy about a wedding that has its complications and comedy. The bride’s Jewish parents sing the title song to her ex-boyfriend after she chooses a Catholic to marry. I emailed Rory Alexa, who plays the bride, to get to know her and her choices.

PW: Can you tell me about your history with SLOC and what you love about this company?

RA: My first show with SLOC was actually back in 2009-2010 when I was in the ensemble for “13: The Musical.” We rehearsed in the church that is now the theater; the pews were still in place! Fast forward to 2017, and I was a Kit Kat Girl in “Cabaret.” After that incredible experience, I was hooked. I was in four more shows throughout the seasons, and then I started doing more behind-the-scenes work like costuming and scenic painting. I also had the great honor of being asked to paint the mural that is displayed in their courtyard along with my great friend Lui. I love SLOC for many reasons, but the main reason is that it is such a welcoming, loving community. Everyone I have worked with has brought immense support and encouragement into my life. Those who I have met through this theater are part of my family. 

PW: Who do you play in “It Shoulda Been You” and what does Rebecca do? How is Rebecca like you or unlike you?

RA: I play Rebecca Steinberg in “It Shoulda Been You.” She is the one who gets married in the show, and she is a big ball of anxiety and panic because she wants everything to go right so bad, while she also deals with a big inner struggle. Rebecca is a lot like me, especially the anxiety part. She and I both want things to go a certain way and are usually overwhelmed by things we cannot control, so we work ourselves into a panic because we think too much about how others around us will react to what we need to say. At times it really feels like I was meant to play this role, even though I knew next to nothing about it when it was first announced in the season. 

PW: What do you love most about “It Shoulda Been You”?

RA: What I love most about this show is that it is so unapologetically funny and over the top. It is SO silly and then tugs on your heartstrings from time to time. It’s a perfect mix of comedy and drama. 

PW: What is a play or musical that changed your life?

RA: I’m gonna say it, but it was “Wicked.” I first saw it while doing a singing competition in NYC, and seeing the show was part of the experience for the contestants. I remember hearing the actress who played Elphaba singing her face off, and she was so animated and powerful, and I thought, ‘I wanna be able to sing like that.’ So, like any other star-struck middle schooler, I made that musical my entire personality, I memorized all of Elphie’s songs, and I got to work on refining my voice. 

PW: What do you wish to see more of in Capital Region Theater?

RA: I need to see more dark shows. Shows that aren’t afraid to go there. By there, I mean to deep places that may leave the audience feeling a little uneasy by what they just witnessed. Shows that are sad, shocking, completely out of left field. I enjoy being rocked to my core through theater a little too much. 

“It Shoulda Been You” 5/5-5/14. Tickets: www.sloctheater.org

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