5 Questions with Emily Bryan

Opportunities abound in Capital Region Theater, and this week sees the lovely Emily Bryan making her Schenectady Civic Players debut in Donald Margulies 2000 Pulitzer winner “Dinner with Friends.”

Photo by Dan Doyle

PW: When did you know you were drawn to performing?

EB: During the first show I ever performed in (“Into the Woods”) in high school. I had a super small part, but just being a part of something like that was magic.

PW: Who do you play in “Dinner with Friends,” what does she do, and how is she like you?

EB: I play Karen, who is married to Gabe and best friends with Tom and Beth. I relate a lot to Karen in how she wants to do the right thing but doesn’t always hit the mark. She often tries to help others by pushing her own thoughts and feelings on them rather than tailoring her support to their individual needs. She is flawed but well-intentioned.

PW: What has been your favorite part of working on this play with Sky Vogel at SCP?

EB: This is my first time working at SCP and with Sky, both of which have been fantastic. Sky has a way of supporting his actors through their own process without forcing any artistic choices. He gives us the space to explore our characters and create organic relationships with each other.

PW: If you could create your own dinner out of any historical figures or places, who would you invite? Where is it and what’s for dinner?

EB: Tough question! Let’s say, Helen Keller, [William] Shakespeare, [Edgar] Degas, and Julia Child…in Paris…and the menu is obviously crafted by Julia.

PW: What is a play or musical that changed your life?

EB: Rent. No day but today

“Dinner with Friends” by Donald Margulies plays at Schenectady Civic Players 5/12-5/21. Tickets:

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