It’s Local 518 Thursday! At 11:00pm, tune in WEXT Radio at 97.7 and 106.1 FM, at 89.1’s HD2 station, via online stream at or by using the free app for iOS and Android devices. You can also ask Siri and Alexa to “play WEXT Radio” too!

Within the playlist below, click on the artist/band and song featured on the WEXT Radio Local 518 Show to find out more about them, and support by listening to & purchasing the songs. Miss the show? Listen to it and previous ones at the WEXT Radio Local 518 Show webpage. Have music you want us to hear? Submission guidelines can be found at the webpage link too. Send us stuff!

If you like to rock out, then I’ve got just what you need…
Flavour – “Stompin’ Ahn Luv
The Snorts – “CANDY HEARTS
Precious Metals – “Candid Chemicals
The Scurves – “Holy Rollers
Prince Daddy & The Hyena – “Hollow, As You Figured
Nathan Meltz and the House of Tomorrow – “Planet of the Apes-Man
Jason Wolfman Martin – “Space Vixen Sex Lasers
Cheesy Snacks – “Cheap Temporary Tat

WEXT Radio is your original home for the Local 518

The Attic Classic: As the story goes, with a stretch of holiday gigs coming up in December 1980, Albany punk band THE MORONS wanted to add a throw-away Christmas song to the set list. Guitarist Billy the M came up with a fast riff that lead singer TL Stone could shout a punked-out version of “Silent Night” over.

Once those holiday gigs were done, the band felt the riff was too good to toss. Stone had scribbled a lyric about growing up in an Albany suburb. Female keyboardist Cherry added a poppy, new-wave organ part. To close the song, Max “the Sax” Media was brought in to add a Stones style sax break.

And so, a punked holiday classic transformed into “Suburbanite,” the band releasing it as a single in 1981. The Morons wreaked havoc around the Capital Region for another year before calling it a career, at three short years together, in 1982.

The Morons: “Suburbanite” The Attic Classic. Here’s a live version, recorded at Bogart’s in AlbaNY, 1981:

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