Swinging with the Teresa Broadwell Band: A Jazz Delight at Jazz on Jay

Violinist and singer Teresa Broadwell and her band have played with so many artists and groups they could borrow David Bromberg’s album title “Sideman Serenade.”

Her crew boasts both long tenures in her band and diverse individual track records.

Broadwell has played with the New Moon Swing Band, Doc Scanlon’s Rhythm Boys, and Thrivin’ On a Riff. Guitarist Mike Novakowski’s gigs include the Fabulous Armadillos, Doc Scanlon and many more. Among bassist Pete Toigo’s many sideman assignments are NRBQ (and leader Terry Adams’ solo projects), the Lustre Kings and more. Drummer Cliff Brucker has worked with the Empire Jazz Orchestra, Full Circle and the Brucker-Weisse-Canterbury Jazz Orchestra, among many others. And saxophonist Keith Pray leads his own Big Soul Ensemble and Ortet, plus many sideman slots.

Broadwell, Novakowski and Toigo have played together for 40 years; Brucker has been aboard for 30 years, and Pray came in five years ago. They’ve released two albums: “Everything’s Jake” and “Just We.”

While Broadwell’s first regular gig was playing old-time traditional music with the St. Regis String Band, her first paid performance was in high school, playing Ukrainian music.

Both her brothers are musicians, and she was first inspired by Sarah Vaughan (vocals) and Stuff Smith (violin) and guided by teachers James Badger in high school and John Jadlos in college.

Not surprisingly, she and her experienced compadres revel in playing standards, carefully chosen, and played their way.

Favorite tunes include “Red Top,” “Rhode Island is Famous For You,” and “Skip It.” 

Their approach: “Make them swing,” she says. “Every tune or song is opened up for improvisation.”

All Jazz on Jay concerts are free through support from the New York State Council on the Arts, Schenectady County, the Upstate Coalition for a Fairgame, the Schenectady Foundation, and the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation. www.nippertown.com is the series media sponsor.

Showtime is noon at the Jay Street Marketplace. Rain site: Robb Alley at Proctors adjacent to Apostrophe. Free.

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