The Evolving Harmony of POKH Quartet at Jazz on Jay

Subbing members in and out of bands shows the friendly resilience of area jazz players.

Originally announced as the Allen Halstead Quartet, it became the George Spencer Quartet when a hand injury sidelined Halstead, and tenor saxophonist Brian Patneaude replaced him. 

Then, Spencer bowed out, and drummer Jack Kelle came in, necessitating a new name: POKH Quartet, the members’ initials.

Before his injury, Halstead had said, “There are no strangers here” of his band of friends, including Azzaam Hameed, keyboards, and Benjamin Odom, bass. 

Patneaude is also a friend. “I’ve known Azzaam for years and even recorded a track on one of his albums,” said Patneaude. “I met Ben several years ago and have played numerous weddings and corporate events with him since.”

The lineup change also changed their repertoire. “We’re treating this performance as more of a collective than anything else,” said Patneaude. “When Azzaam contacted me to fill in, we began to brainstorm a list of tunes that we were all familiar with.”

Patneaude has previously filled in on short notice, sometimes getting the call on the same day as a show.

These guys get around. Patneaude led his own quartet at Jazz on Jay in 2019 and played as a sideman with both Dylan Canterbury and Keith Pray in 2022. Hameed also played Jazz on Jay (with both his own band and Music By McIntosh) in 2022 and at Music Haven in Central Park in a Juneteenth celebration.

Patneaude played with Ten Most Wanted on Sunday, Aug. 6, at Clifton Common and with the SUNY Schenectady Jazz Faculty Combo on Aug. 14 at Music Haven, opening for the Aditya Prakash Ensemble. He’ll also play with the Refrigerators on Aug. 20 in Iron Springs Park, Aug. 24 in the Averill Park Concert Series, and Aug. 25 in Shepard Park; with Keith Pray’s Big Soul Ensemble Aug. 29 at the Cock ’N’ Bull and with his own quartet Sept. 29 at 9 Maple Ave.

All Jazz on Jay concerts are free through support from the New York State Council on the Arts, Schenectady County, the Upstate Coalition for a Fair Game, the Schenectady Foundation, and the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation. is the series media sponsor.

Showtime is noon at the Jay Street Marketplace. Rain site: Robb Alley at Proctors adjacent to Apostrophe.

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