It’s Local518 Thursday on WEXT! August 31st

It’s Local 518 Thursday! At 11:00 p.m., tune in to WEXT Radio at 97.7 and 106.1 FM, at 89.1’s HD2 station, via online stream at or by using the free app for iOS and Android devices. You can also ask Siri and Alexa to “play WEXT Radio” too!

A particular sequenced set of ones & zeros creates a playlist structured like so…
Seize Atlantis – “Crawl
Architrave – “The Lot
The Snorts – “HOLD ON, ONE SEC
Prom Sex – “The Alchemist
Beached Bodies – “Noise
Front Biz – “You Don’t Get To Pick
Jesse O’Neill & Jon Tario – “strumpet

The Attic Classic: Techno-rock trio MATHEMATICIANS emerged in 2003 from the Glens Falls area, part of an online and real-life collective of artists, musicians, and other creatives called Tali Tribe. Band members Ian Nichols, Tim Oakley, and Nick LaFond took on the math geek alter egos of Dewi Decimal, Albert Gorythm, and Pete Pythagoras when forming the band, their image proclaimed by large-frame glasses, lab coats, ties and loud garish polyester pants, and checked sport coats.

The band’s overall mission statement of “calculating the equation of rhythm plus melody equals bringing the pulse to the people” was readily apparent on their self-released 2004 debut album, ‘Level One.’ The songs, all humorously centered around math or computer-related themes, were first layed out using computer programming software and samplers. The three then used an actual studio to record live drum, bass, and keyboard tracks directly into the computer, with their vocal parts a mix of singing and use of an electronic speech synthesizer. Back then, in this area, it was a groundbreaking DIY way for a band to record.

Upon ‘Level One’s release, Mathematicians began touring, their hybrid of electronic and actual instruments, along with their nerdy rock geek personas, creating an entertaining live show. But after seven years, two albums (Level Two’ came out in 2006), the band went on hiatus in 2010.

The Attic Classic is “Binary Girl,” a track that comes from ‘Level One.’

WEXT Radio is your original home for the Local 518

Within the playlist above, click on the artist, band, or song featured on the WEXT Radio Local 518 Show to learn more about them and support them by listening to & purchasing the songs. Did you miss the show? Listen to it and previous ones on the WEXT Radio Local 518 Show webpage. Do you have music you want us to hear? Submission guidelines can be found at the webpage link, too. Send us stuff!

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