Erin Harkes keeps the creativity and laughs flowing

As the chilly winds of late fall sweep through the region, Erin Harkes, a local comedian and musician, is set to bring warmth and laughter with her upcoming comedy show and new album release. The event, scheduled for Dec. 6 at Universal Preservation Hall in Saratoga Springs, promises to be a unique blend of humor and celebration.

Harkes shared her excitement about the upcoming show, which is part of her monthly showcase “Women Aren’t Funny.” The showcase, traditionally held in a smaller room, will be moving to a larger venue due to growing interest.

Credit: Kiki Vassilakis

“This is twofold for me,” Harkes said. “I obviously wanted to celebrate the release of the special. But I also want to put as much positive attention into this monthly series, which has been going really great.”

She hopes the event will draw more attention to the showcase, which she is proud to have supported by institutions such as Proctors and Universal Preservation Hall (UPH).

The new album, recorded earlier in Albany, is not just an audio release. Harkes has also prepared a video special for YouTube inspired by her peers in New York.

“If I’m already going to be recording I might as well get that recorded, too, and just put it out there and see what happens,” she said.

The Dec. 6 show will feature Harkes as the only act, with her friend Jennifer McMullin hosting. Both are set to perform brand-new material, aligning with Harkes’ commitment to constant creativity.

“I’m constantly writing and I don’t think that it’s actually normal, the amount that I write. And I don’t even know that it’s all very good, but it’s new,” she said candidly.

Beyond her comedy, Harkes has a deep connection to music, with influences ranging from Steve Martin to Molly Shannon. The first music album she listened to was Weird Al Yankovic’s “Dare to Be Stupid,” but the first comedy album that left a lasting impression was Steve Martin’s “Let’s Get Small.”

These influences shaped her artistic journey, blending humor and music in her unique style. In fact, Harkes’ guitar reflects her love for both music and comedy.

“My guitar is named Tina. And that’s one half Turner and one half Fey,” she said.

Harkes’ commitment to her craft extends beyond traditional comedy venues. She’s known for finding unconventional spaces that work for stand-up, a necessity in a city such as Albany.

“I’m looking around and the first thing I’m thinking is, like, would this work?” she explained.

That innovative approach has led her to perform in places such as June Farms and Putnam Place.

Her upcoming album, titled “Uncle Ernie,” is named after a cute misunderstanding by her niece, who couldn’t pronounce Erin properly. This personal touch adds a layer of intimacy to her work. Harkes aims to get the album to chart on iTunes, encouraging everyone to download it simultaneously on Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. sharp.

Beyond the stage and recording studio, Harkes has a podcast hosted on, “Mistress of None,” in which she showcases her vulnerability and connects with her audience. She’s also planning to use her YouTube channel to share more personal content, hoping to increase her web presence and attract an even broader audience.

Credit: Kiki Vassilakis

As for the future, Harkes is not slowing down. She’s constantly writing new material, both in comedy and music. With a single set to release by the end of the year and plans for a full album, her creative journey continues to evolve, bringing laughter and thought-provoking entertainment to the Capital Region and beyond.

Harkes has also been “passed” by the New York Comedy Club (that’s a good thing), and will begin hosting and performing at the club regularly starting in December.

In addition to her comedy pursuits, Harkes is also making waves in the music scene with a monthly showcase at Caffe Lena for singer-songwriters. The showcase, set to debut on Wednesday, features a lineup of talented artists including Carolyn Shapiro, Reese Fulmer and Matt Griffin.

“That’s kind of like the home team because they all either work or volunteer there. I thought it’d be cute,” Harkes remarked.

The event at the renowned Caffe Lena represents another side of her multifaceted career, blending a love for music with a flair for bringing together talented individuals.

Jim Gilbert is publisher of Nippertown.

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