5 Questions with Megan Calos

Fort Salem Theatre opened “Footloose” last weekend, and it looks like they have another smash hit on their hands. It is, of course, the stage adaptation of the 1984 Kevin Bacon film with the irresistibly catchy Kenny Loggins title track. Leading their cast of 30 in the role of Ariel is Megan Calos. I emailed the busy actor and Niskayuna High School graduate these 5 Questions and got her response just in time to urge you to grab one of the few remaining tickets to this blast of nostalgic fun!

Megan Calos

PW: Do you remember a specific moment or incident that sparked your love of performing?

MC: I remember seeing “Ragtime” when I was pretty young at Proctors Theatre and just sobbing. It was the most beautiful thing to me, and even though I didn’t understand a lot of the realities of the show, it was the first time a message has really struck me like that. It’s still my favorite musical to this day. 

PW: Who do you play in “Footloose,” How is she like you or different from you, and what do you love about her?

MC: I play Ariel in “Footloose,” and I think we share a very sarcastic, dry sense of humor. It’s very easy to deliver a lot of her lines because they are similar to what I would say myself in those situations. She’s also a girl with deep trauma, that is a more challenging thing to bring to the stage. She acts out in ways because of it, and in general, I think we are both very emotionally driven people. 

PW: Do you have a favorite action or scene, or song in “Footloose”?

MC: My favorite part of Footloose is “Almost Paradise.” I particularly like it because of how much fun it is to work with Connor Bailey (Ren) in that scene. I feel like Ariel finally lets down her guard and is truly vulnerable in front of the audience and Ren for the first time. 

PW: What would be your favorite audience response to “Footloose”?

MC: My hope is that people will love the show! I think Ariel is sometimes a hard character to connect with, so I really hope that audiences will see what I see in her through my portrayal and ultimately feel what she has gone through as I do. 

PW: What do you have planned for the Fall, and when do you hope to perform again?

MC: In the fall, I am going to return to Tyler School of Art at Temple University, where I am studying to get my BFA in painting. In the spring, I am headed to Rome for a study abroad semester! I am working on my theater minor as well, so i may be involved in some school productions. I’m not sure when I will perform next, but I will likely audition for some productions set for the summer break.

“Footloose” plays through this Sunday, 7/2, and tickets can be purchased at www.fortsalem.com

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