Ellie Everywhere: Video Premiere of “You Are My Light” by Super 400

Hey Y’all! This is Ellie Everywhere. I hope you are all doing well, and I’m sorry for not submitting anything lately! I’ve been very busy!

I want to let you know about the video premiere of “You Are My Light” by the band Super 400.  The two filmmakers are Leif Zurmuhlen and Ned Danison, and the video stars the members of the band: Joe Daley, Kenny Hohman, and Lori Friday, and last but not least, myself, Ellie Friday-Hohman!

Photos by Ned Danison and Lori Friday 

Leif gave me these questions to answer, so this time I’M being interviewed! 

Read on!

Question 1: What was it like at the shooting location?

Well, the location of the music video was in a big community room of a church with a green screen set up in the middle of the room. That was the room where all the action happened.

Question 2: How did it feel to shoot the video and what were some things that happened?

I felt very important. During the shoot, I used a rope made of plastic containing LED lights to wrap up the band and yank them off of the stage! It was very funny. Everyone felt a little uncomfortable being wrapped up together, but it was fun anyway. At the end of the shoot, Leif gave each member of the band two small circular lights to put in place on their eyelids while they were closed.  We didn’t use that part for the video because it was too weird!  Then, Leif put one LED light in my dad’s mouth!  Lastly, Ned (the video producer) had each band member strike a pose on a green revolving platform that he had made and spun each band member around slowly.

Photos by Ned Danison and Lori Friday 

Question 3: Was it weird acting against a green screen and knowing that the background was going to look different?

I am very curious to see what the background will look like when everything is done and edited.  Even the band doesn’t know what the video will look like, so it will be a big surprise for all of us.  I can promise that it will be very entertaining.

We have no idea what it will look like, and we are waiting to see the final reveal at Putnam Place tonight, October 9th, at 7pm! Come one, come all, everyone is welcome, and admission is free! 

There will also be a performance by my parents’ other band, the Family Tree, afterward!

Question 4: Did you like being the protagonist/troublemaker in the story?

I liked it very much. I have experience acting as the villain from my performances with the Park Playhouse. I enjoy being the villain because the character has a lot of fun. They are confident and powerful.

Question 5: How do you like having parents in a rock band?

It just feels like normal life to me because I have grown up with it. But it’s very cool!

So people, we hope you come to see the final reveal of the You Are My Light video on Monday, October 9 at Putnam Place at 7:00pm!

It will be up on YouTube after that!

Photos by Ned Danison and Lori Friday 

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