Above Ground Podcast #175: Message in a Bottle

Sending out a distress call is usually thought of when in a state of emergency. Today on Episode 175 of Above Ground Podcast we send a message to those in distress, to urge you to ask for help. Will and TPP’s hope is that we can help you feel less like a castaway, an island lost at sea. This is our message in a bottle.

What’s up everyone? It’s time for this week’s pod and Will and TPP chat about sending out an SOS when you need help, self-care, when you need a break, or you are at the breaking point. We urge you to seek treatment. Seek a person-centered treatment if you want to have a bigger voice, because you do.

You will always be your best voice, but some individuals have an impairment in voicing their needs. It is scary to stand up for yourself. Some individuals have been marginalized for so long that it is an enormous task to do.

If you need to learn a language for talking about your emotions in order for you to voice your feelings, go to thework.com. It is Byron Katie’s website around the concept she pioneered with the book Loving What Is (2003, Penguin Random House).

Will and TPP jam on some topics related to looking at the self in a reflective and helpful way. We mentioned 988 several times, but we have not used it. Here is the link from our fantastic NY State Office of Mental Health.

Remember to know your crisis numbers and keep your loved ones’ personal information safe. Copy documents and file the originals. Make it part of your Individual Service Plan or ISP. Or your mental health care plan. 

This Sunday we are at the Upstate Punk Rock Flea Market at Empire Live. Oct. 23, noon – 6 pm. Pogo Beard Company will have their beard and tattoo balm for sale. We will have your resources and we look forward to meeting you all and having a real conversation. 

Saturday, Nov. 5 Will is playing at Fuze Box in Albany NY at 8 pm. Will is opening for episode 178 guest Mike Langone’s band, Black Belt Jones. Also on the bill are Ike’s Wasted World and Gay Tastee. Doors at 7 pm, show 8 pm. $10 at the door. Come down to the iconic club that housed the former QE2. 12 Central Avenue, Albany, NY. 

Also, don’t forget TPP will be dropping his new book, Never Under Estimate the Power of You, on you soon. When you are ready to start believing in yourself, you too can start this DIY project. Stay tuned for the release date and order link. 

Thanks for joining us on Episode 175 of Above Ground Podcast. Please continue to share, like, follow, and review. Thank you for supporting us, and special shout out to Dan for buying the pod five coffees. Please go to our Buy Me a Coffee and continue your support. We are trying to grow and expand. If you can support, or are interested in promoting your cause or business, please throw an email to Will at abovegroundpodcast@gmail.com. 

Thanks for listening. Please call 9-1-1 for an immediate emergency. Dial  9-8-8 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or you can still dial 1 (800) 273-8255 and that will work indefinitely. Until next week, get well, be safe, stay ABOVE.

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