Above Ground Podcast #176: Explain Away the Pain

“Healing doesn’t happen when we’re muscling through it”, says our guest Melissa Spaulding. Melissa is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and EMDR Practitioner based in Utah, and is our guest for episode 176 of Above Ground Podcast.

Melissa Spaulding is a CMHC at Guided Wellness Counseling of George, Utah. Melissa’s mission is to help women move beyond their past and to live an adventurous life. Melissa helps women work through trauma, depression, and anxiety. 

One tool in Melissa’s arsenal is EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing. This type of therapy allows the recipient to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in their brains. There are three brains; the head, the heart, and the body. And as Bessel van der Kolk taught us, the body keeps the score. 

Melissa looks at our memories like sticky notes. When we think of sticky notes, they are usually so you can remember a number or name or notation. Something important at the time, but may not be necessary to hold on to long term. That’s where EMDR comes in. It helps you clear the mental sticky notes and stop holding on to memories that you no longer need. 

Melissa Spaulding can be found at guidedwellnesscounselingut.com.

She can also be found on Instagram @guidedwellnesscounseling

Listen to Episode 176, and we thank you so much for listening for another week.

Please come out to the Fuze Box, Saturday, Nov. 5 at 8pm. Will Foley is playing with Black Belt JonesGay Tastee and Ike’s Wasted World. Come hear Will’s brand of hard driving acoustic rock light the fuse on a night of hard driving rock with a metallic gleam. $10 gets you in the door. This will be a special night, as Above Ground Podcast will be there and ready to rock, hint, hint. That’s right TPP and Will together on the stage of what was once the QE2. Oh the history and nostalgia. 

Don’t forget that TPP’s new book, “Never Under Estimate the Power of You”, is due to be released through Amazon soon. When we have a date and link for preorder, we will post it. 

Also, Above Ground Podcast will have a mention in the Winter issue of Capital Region Living Magazine. Thank you to Abby Tegnelia for making that happen. 

Time to call it an episode. We appreciate all our listeners and friends. You can donate to the show here.

Until next week get well, be safe, stay ABOVE…

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