Above Ground Podcast #186: Dance the Night Away

“Connection is the opposite of addiction,” says Jean Trewhella. The connection through the ceremony of dance is undeniable in many native cultures. Ceremonial dance is used to commemorate important events or to show praise. Jean Trewhella embodies ceremony and this week takes you on a journey to connect and dance the night away. 

Jean’s journey through grief and using movement as a process started when she was a child. Losing her non-binary child, Ty, to suicide five years ago taught Jean just how important her connection and love of dance was. She was surrounded by her dance family when she received the call about Ty’s death. Jean needed to have an official prescription to dance. That way she was sure to keep dancing, to keep moving. Because she needed to keep moving. We needed her to keep moving. 

Jean started Movement Insights to share the healing power of dance. She opened the doors at 100 Saratoga Village Blvd. in Malta during the pandemic in 2020. Jean, an engineer by trade, uses the healing art of dance to get us in touch with our own bodies and out of our minds. To emphasize healing through a ritualistic physical form of release. 

Journey Dance is a modality that allows the participants to get out of their heads. The gifts of grounding, freedom, sensuality, emotion, and release are just some of the benefits to letting go and getting into our bodies. This type of dance and movement is facilitated rather than taught. Dancing without mirrors allows for a non-judgmental environment to reveal, recover, and rediscover our natural and intuitive movement.  

This Sunday, Jan. 8, please join AGP at The Sages Circle at 443 Saratoga Rd., East Glenville, at 1 pm for our first Mental Health Meet-up Peer Group of 2023. We have not been able to do any of these following the pandemic and we are grateful to team up with the area’s premier metaphysical boutique and sacred space to bring us together to talk about mental health. Come for conversation, connection, and community. This is a peer-run, peer-led group and is not intended to take the place of professional or medical help. 

Return on Sunday evening, Feb. 12 at 6pm for a Discussion and Book Signing event with Tim (TPP) Parent to promote his new book, “Never Underestimate the Power of You.” Life is a DIY project and this is a DIY book. Join TPP if you are curious about healing and don’t know where to begin. Attending will be a step in the right direction. 

Thanks for listening to this week’s episode. Support the show by buying a coffee for the guys to help keep the conversation and connection going. Hope to see you Sunday if you’re in Nippertown and until next week get well, be safe, stay ABOVE

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